Northbrook School District 27

DCFS Liaison

Public Act 102-199 requires that school districts appoint an employee to act as a DCFS Liaison to facilitate the enrollment and transfer of records of students in the legal custody of the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) when the student enrolls in, or changes schools.

DCFS Liaison:
Robert McElligott, Ed.D.
Director of Human Resources and Student Services
1250 Sanders Road, Northbrook, IL 60062
847-498-2610 x 5116
Liaison Responsibilities:
  • Streamline the enrollment process for students in foster care
  • Implement student data tracking and monitoring mechanisms
  • Ensure that youth in care received all available school nutrition and meal programs
  • Coordinate student withdrawal, records transfers, and credit recovery
  • Become an expert on the foster care system and policies to support youth in care
  • Coordinate with child welfare partners
  • Provide foster care related information and training to the district
  • Work with DCFS to help students maintain their school placement, if appropriate
  • Review student schedules to ensure youth in care are on track to graduate
  • Encourage involvement in extracurricular activities
  • Encourage successful transition to adulthood and post-secondary opportunities
  • Inform DCFS of parent teacher conferences and other parent meetings and allow the DCFS caseworker to attend the meeting.