Bus Information

Bus Registration

Registration for 2024-2025 Transportation Service is now open! The deadline to register for bus service is June 30, 2024. Anyone who registers after that date cannot be guaranteed service.

Wood Oaks Activity Bus

Wood Oaks Activity Bus Registration is separate from regular bus registration. All costs related to Wood Oaks After School Activity Bus Service are covered by District 27. 

My Ride K-12

My Ride K-12 can be downloaded for Apple and Android devices through their respective app stores.

My Ride K-12 Overview (PDF)

My Ride K-12 Parent User Guide (PDF)


To consolidate incoming parent questions regarding bus service, we have created one email address to submit questions. We hope to be able to respond to parents in a reasonable amount of time.

If you have any questions pertaining to bus service, please send your email to bus@nb27.org, and we will return a response within 24 hours.