Northbrook School District 27

Tax Information

We have achieved fiscal responsibility while maintaining a healthy financial position and spending within our means. We operate with a balanced budget, maintain a reasonable fund balance, and have no long-term debt. We prioritize educating students, spending 55% of our funds on classroom instruction compared to a state average of 46%. We respect the public’s tax dollars by working aggressively to contain costs, reducing expenses by $5.5 million, and keeping parent fees as low as possible.

We maintain a reasonable fund balance that provides stability, so we don’t have to rely on borrowing when Cook County delays tax collections, which has happened two of the past three years. Our fiscal responsibility has earned awards of excellence in financial reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association and the Association of School Business Officials International for 15 consecutive years.

However, if we are going to be able to maintain small class sizes while providing our students and teachers with learning environments that support high achievement, we will need additional funding.

If the referendum is successful, the average $600,000 district home would see an increase of $422 per year in property taxes.

Please utilize the tax calculator below to determine your tax impact.

Northbrook School District 27
Northbrook School District 27
Proposed $2,655,000 Debt Service Extension Base
Referendum Impact

Estimated Impact on Tax Bills Payable in 2026
Enter Your Home's Fair Market Value*:
Which Property Tax Exemptions is Your Property Eligible For?
Homestead Exemption
Senior Citizen Exemption
Disabled Person's Exemption
Returning Veterans' Homestead Exemption

Estimated Annual Tax Impact **
*Link to lookup your most recent Cook County property tax bill.

** Annual tax impact assumes that the District issues bonds and levies the full Debt Service Extension Base levy for repayment. The assumed tax rate is based on the District's 2023 Equalized Assessed Value and the 2023 Cook County multiplier of 3.0163. Tax impact is subject to change based on these factors. This tax impact is for the addition of the limited bond and interest levy only by the District and does not account for any increases in tax rates in other funds of the District or by any other taxing body.