The order of the consequences from left to right: verbal correction, teacher/student conference, timeout, loss of privilege, classroom exclusion, detention, suspension, and expulsion.
Rules of Conduct and Selected Board Policies
Rules of Conduct
The following behavioral expectations are taught proactively in each building.
Hickory Point B.A.R.R.K. Expectations
*Voice Levels (Schoolwide):
Shabonee SWIM Expectations
- Arrival/Dismissal
- Bus
- Playground/Recess
- Bathroom
- Hallway
- Lunchroom
- Assemblies
- 3rd Grade Classroom
- 4th Grade Classroom
- 5th Grade Classroom
- Specials Classes
- Indoor Recess
- Library
- Intervention Rooms
- Office
Show Respect
- Listen to supervisors, whistle, and bell.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to self.
We're Responsible
- Ask for permission to go inside.
- Put equipment away.
- Stay in assigned areas.
- Report unsafe play to supervisors.
I'M Kind
- Use kind words and actions.
- Invite others to play.
- Play by the rules and take turns.
Show Respect
- Keep your area clean.
- Use the correct trash can.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to self.
- Use good table manners.
- Permission to get up.
- Chew with your mouth closed.
- Use a napkin.
We're Responsible
- Be ready.
- Bring your entire lunch with you.
- Sit at the correct table with your classroom and watch for Nut Safe Zones.
- Eat only your food.
I'M Kind
- Use kind words and actions.
- Include others.
3rd Grade Classroom
Show Respect
- Raise your hand.
- Wait your turn.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to self.
We're Responsible
- Use your time appropriately.
- Make good decisions.
- Do your personal best.
- Follow teacher directions and classroom routines.
I'M Kind
- Work cooperatively.
- Be encouraging and kind to our classmates.
- Help each other.
4th Grade Classroom
Show Respect
- Use appropriate voice level.
- Listen and take turns sharing.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to self.
We're Responsible
- Use your time appropriately.
- Take pride in your work.
- Come prepared and organized.
- Follow teacher directions and routines.
I'M Kind
- Work cooperatively with others.
- Use encouraging and kind words.
- Listen and support others' ideas.
5th Grade Classroom
Show Respect
- Raise your hand.
- Wait your turn.
- Be considerate of others' property and ideas.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to self.
We're Responsible
- Be prepared.
- Follow directions and routines.
- Take pride in your work.
- Make positive contributions.
- Use your time constructively.
I'M Kind
- Work cooperatively.
- Include and help others.
- Use appropriate words and actions.
- Share.
Specials Classes
Show Respect
- Use and clean up equipment and materials properly.
- Raise your hand.
- Wait your turn.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to self.
We're Responsible
- Use your time appropriately.
- Take pride in your work.
- Follow directions and routines.
I'M Kind
- Work cooperatively.
- Use encouraging and kind words/actions.
- Listen and support others' ideas and efforts.
Indoor Recess
Intervention Rooms
Show Respect
- Say please and thank you.
- Wait your turn to sign in or ask a question.
- Speak politely to your parents when you call home.
- Sit quietly while waiting.
We're Responsible
- Check the lunch cart before asking to call home.
- Arrive to school on time.
- Know your after school plans.
I'M Kind
- Cooperate when sharing a task.
Wood Oaks R.O.A.R Expectations
Consequences Chart
Consequences for infractions to the expected behavior will be consistent and age appropriate. However, serious infractions may immediately invoke consequences further along the continuum. Parent notification is an important component of problem-solving. Parents will be notified of consequences due to misbehavior as appropriate.
Definition of terms
Verbal Correction: Restatement of the expected behavior by the teacher or similar reminder to the student. This may be preceded by attempts to redirect behavior.
Private Conference: A private conversation takes place between teacher and student to attempt to resolve issues.
Timeout: A timeout is a brief removal of a student from the group activity as a result of behavior interferes with the group process. A timeout is assigned at the discretion of the teacher.
Loss of Privilege: The removal from a designated student or other sanction as appropriate (e.g.: loss of recess, club activity or extra -curricular activity).
Definition of Classroom Exclusion, Detention, Suspension, and Expulsion are found in Board of Education Discipline Policy 7:190.
Discipline Referral Forms
Selected Board Policies
Equal Educational Opportunities/Policy 7:10
Harassment of Students Prohibited/Policy 7:20
Prevention and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment/Policy 7:180 Opens in New Window Opens in New Window
Student Behavior/Policy 7:190 Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window
Administering Medicines to Students/Policy 7:270 Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window
Student Records/7:340 Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window
Acceptable use of District Technology and Network/Policy 6:235 Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window