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Dear Parents and Guardians,
Northbrook School District 27 is providing families with access to GoGuardian Parent, a mobile app that offers parents and guardians insight into and control over their child's online activity on school-managed devices and accounts outside of school hours.
The GoGuardian Parent app provides an overview of your child's online activity, including the apps, extensions, documents, and websites they have accessed. The hours that parents can set internet controls are 4:30 p.m. to 7:40 a.m. Monday-Friday, and 24/7 on weekends and Winter/Spring Break.
GoGuardian Parent is designed to support students by extending educational oversight at home and complements the classroom engagement and internet filtering tools used by the school. We encourage our District 27 families to utilize the GoGuardian Parent App in addition to all other safe practices, such as having children use electronic devices in a central, supervised location (i.e., the kitchen table) and setting up a family charging station where all devices are kept.
What is included in the GoGuardian Parent app:
- Top 5 overview of your student's online activity
- 30-day overview of your student's online activity
- Ability to block websites on school-issued devices during out-of-school hours
- Ability to pause internet access on school-issued devices during out-of-school hours, either on-demand or at a scheduled time
For directions on accessing and using the app, please visit Technology Resources for Parents on the District 27 website and click on the GoGuardian Parent App.
If you have any questions, you can reach us at
Thank you for your partnership in building student accountability and supporting responsible browsing habits at home.
District 27 Administration