Strategic Plan, 2024-2029
The District's Strategic Plan provides the framework for the operation of the District, using measurable goals to ensure the District's six main Key Success Factors are met.
As you read the information for each Key Success Factor (KSF) below, use the following legend:
- Green Text is New items to the plan.
- Maroon Text is Modified.
- Black text is Item on the Plan in Progress.
- ST - Short Term.
- LT - Long Term.
- ST/LT - Short Term/Long Term. Opens in New Window
- KSF 1: Outstanding Student Performance
- KSF 2: Coherent and Rigorous Programs and Services
- KSF 3: Highly Qualified Staff
- KSF 4: Social-Emotional Wellbeing
- KSF 5: Safe Learning and Working Environment
- KSF 6: Healthy Financial Position
KSF 1: Outstanding Student Performance
Strategic Objectives
- Ensure all students in the aggregate and in subgroups meet or exceed internal and State student performance targets annually.
Strategic Challenges
- Meet the accountability requirements of the State ESSA Plan.
- Address learning recovery needs in reading and math created by the pandemic.
- Manage the continuously changing landscape of standardized assessments.
Key Goals
1A: Monitor achievement on state and internal performance measures; address individual needs of students who do not meet state standards or internal targets.
Key Action Plans
1a1: Monitor the ISBE's evolving ESSA performance indicators and continue to engage in formal opportunities to make recommendations to ISBE regarding the indicators annually (ST/LT).
1a2: Monitor Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) in two key areas: Potential changes in assessment and performance results in student achievement and growth, 2023- 2026 (ST/LT).
1a3: Continue to monitor student learning recovery using formative assessments, common grade/course assessments, and standardized assessments, 2023-2025 (ST).
1a4: Conduct a full review of District 27’s Standardized Assessment Suite, 2023-24 (ST) and implement recommended changes during the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years (ST).
KSF 2: Coherent and Rigorous Programs and Services
Strategic Objectives
- Provide standards-based curricular programs and services reflecting current research, best practices, and technology integration for all students.
Strategic Challenges
- Address the emerging challenges driven by a technological and global environment.
- Address the emerging program needs of Special Education resulting from changes in the TrueNorth Cooperative.
Key Goals
2A: Maintain ongoing cycle of curricular evaluation/revision for all programs/services .
2B: Ensure the curricula and programming proactively address learning gaps due to the pandemic.
2C: Provide ubiquitous technology and learning opportunities that support the diverse needs of learners.
2D: Monitor all programs and services to ensure we are meeting the needs of all students.
Key Action Plans
2a1: Engage in the refinement of the revised reading curriculum and instructional implementation at Grades 2-5, 2024-2025 (ST).
2a2: Revise the K-8 social studies curriculum with Phases I and II completed by the summer of 2025 and full implementation by 2026-27 (ST/LT).
2a3: Complete Phases I and II of grades K & 1 reading curriculum revision by summer of 2025 and full implementation in 2026-27 (ST/LT).
2a4: Conduct revision of Tier II and Tier III curricula in light of revised Reading Curriculum (Grades 2-5) and Math (Grades 5-8), with implementation during the 2025-26 school year (ST/LT).
2b1: Continue implementation of Math and Reading Achievement Action Plans to increase student learning and growth in response to the pandemic, 2022-2025.
2c1: Study, monitor, and provide PD on emerging uses of Artificial Intelligence for teaching and learning 2024-2026. Create an AI policy 2024-25 (ST/LT).
2d1: Continue implementation of the district-wide Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Plan, 2023-2025 (ST).
2d2: Evaluate the shared service programs including Early Childhood and K-8 continuum of services across Northfield Township.
KSF 3: Highly Qualified Staff
Strategic Objectives
- Ensure faculty and staff can satisfactorily deliver programs and services to all District students and schools.
- Ensure that the District’s culture of excellence and collaboration is maintained.
Strategic Challenges
- Develop staff members’ technological skills and pedagogical strategies necessary to deliver the District’s programs and services.
- Address emerging staff and substitute teacher shortages to ensure effective teaching and learning in the classroom.
- Anticipate the need to develop teacher leaders in light of the cumulative effect of senior staff retirements.
Key Goals
3A: To increase the diversity of applicants in our hiring pool and ultimately create a more diverse workforce.
3B: Revise the current teacher evaluation model while maintaining strong focus on professional development and quality control.
3C: Address the current and anticipated workforce shortages.
3D: Maximize staffing efficiencies to service diverse learners in the most impactful, cohesive, and cost-effective manner.
3E: Develop mid-career teachers’ understanding of and advocacy for our Core Values, Core Competencies, Culture, and Processes.
Key Action Plans
3a1: Analyze our current work environment along with recruiting strategies and hiring practices to welcome and sustain a more diverse workforce (2024-26). (ST/LT)
3b1: In collaboration with the PDC, develop a plan to train teaching staff on the updates to the Danielson Framework for Teaching prior to adopting it for teacher evaluations in 2025-26 (ST).
Continue to explore ways to recruit, attract, and retain substitute teachers for the 2023-25 school years (LT).
Actively recruit student teachers in the areas where we are forecasting retirements and shortages as appropriate (LT).
Increase targeted recruiting strategies for hard-to-fill positions (ST).
3d1: Analyze the current service delivery model, including cooperative service agreements and district staffing, to most effectively support diverse learners (2023-2026) (LT).
3e1: Develop and implement a professional learning strand for interested mid-career staff that supports our Core Values, Core Competencies, Culture, and Processes for full implementation over the 2023-2027 school years (LT).
KSF 4: Social-Emotional Wellbeing
Strategic Objectives
- Ensure all District policies and social/emotional programs provide a caring and supportive environment.
Strategic Challenges
- Respond to the social-emotional needs of our students and staff as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Key Goals
4A: Monitor, evaluate, and revise the social/emotional programs/services to be responsive to student and staff needs.
4B: Monitor staff wellness
Key Action Plans
4a1: Explore additional SEL resources and practices to supplement PBIS and Second Step, as well as address existing gaps (2024-26).
Investigate and implement strategies to provide staff with time and resources to help alleviate concerns about workload (2024-25).
Research, explore, and implement systemic and sustainable SEL supports for students and staff (2024-26).
KSF 5: Safe Learning and Working Environment
Strategic Objectives
- Ensure all facilities are safe and provide a positive learning environment.
- Ensure that we have transparent and effective communication with all constituents.
Strategic Challenges
- Address the emerging facilities needs for health life safety, and future programming needs including partnerships with the TrueNorth Cooperative and the Northfield Township Shared Services Agreement.
Key Goals
5A: Implement the best practices in facilities safety and risk management.
5B: Maintain effective two-way communication systems that provide timely information and solicit feedback.
Key Action Plans
Complete required health life safety work for roof systems, HVAC, and electrical as detailed in the 2022 Ten Year Health Life Safety Study - 2024-2029 (ST/LT).
Complete required work for playground updates as detailed in the 2024 Playground Access Audit - 2025-2026 (ST/LT).
Review 2022 Space Utilization Study to discuss the potential need for building addition space in response to the study of enrollment projections and future programming needs, to include needs which may arise as a participating district of the Northfield Township Shared Services Program from 2024-2029 (ST/LT).
5a2: Continue cybersecurity trainings and phishing campaigns to increase staff awareness and comply with Student Online Personal Protection Act (SOPPA) law requirements (ST/LT).
5b1: Conduct biennial satisfaction surveys to determine student, staff, parent, and community perceptions of our schools and the District and implement changes based on needs identified in the survey.
KSF 6: Healthy Financial Position
Strategic Objectives
- Ensure fiscal solvency of the District.
Strategic Challenges
- Proactively monitor and respond to local, state, and federal changes in revenue sources and legislation that may impact our long-term financial planning to ensure the fiscal solvency of the District.
- Address the emerging financial needs as a result of the District 27 Long-Range Facilities Improvement Plan and future programming needs to include partnerships with the TrueNorth Cooperative and Northfield Township Shared Services Agreement.
Key Goals
6A: Provide cost-effective staffing plans for essential/highly-valued programs and services.
6B: Maintain a responsible approach to fiscal operation ensuring cost efficiencies while maintaining our programs and services.
Key Action Plans
6a1: Create long-term staffing projections and implement annual staffing plans that address essential and highly valued District programs and services (ST/LT).
Complete required health life safety work for roof systems, HVAC, and electrical as detailed in the Ten Year Health Life Safety Study - 2024-2029 (ST/LT).
Complete required work for playground updates as detailed in the 2024 Playground Access Audit - 2025-2026 (ST/LT).
Review 2022 Space Utilization Study to discuss the potential need for building addition space in response to the study of enrollment projections and future programming needs, to include needs which may arise as a participating district of the Northfield Township Shared Services Program from 2024-2029 (ST/LT).