Northbrook School District 27

Related Services

Adapted Physical Education (APE)

Adapted Physical Education (APE) - Provides services to meet the physical needs of students who are unable to participate successfully in the regular physical education program. Adapted physical education is provided in conjunction with the general PE program and includes instruction, accommodations and modifications as appropriate.

Occupational Therapy (OT)

Occupational therapy provides a continuum of services and supports to students who have physical, sensory, neurological or motor disabilities. Services are intended to support the student’s educational goals. These services target fine motor development and promote independence and functioning within the school setting.

Physical Therapy (PT)

Physical therapy provides a continuum of services and supports to students who have physical, neurological or motor disabilities. Services are intended to support the student’s educational goals. These services assist with improving functional mobility, increasing gross motor development, and strengthening muscles for functional use within the school setting.

Social Work

Provides services to students who are struggling with social and emotional challenges that impact their functioning within the academic setting. School social workers work collaboratively to develop and implement strategies that will enhance students’ school success.

Speech Language Therapy

Provides services to students who have been diagnosed with a speech or language impairment that requires remediation in articulation, expressive or receptive language. Speech and language pathologists collaborate with staff to provide appropriate services for students.

Vision Services

Provide services to students with vision disabilities to enable them to function effectively in the classroom and develop skills necessary for independence. Includes direct instruction, consultation, and vision evaluations.