Preschool Screening
District 27 offers pre-school screenings to assess children whose parents have concerns about their child's development and to determine if progress is at an appropriate rate. The screening is not a full and detailed evaluation of your child. It is a tool that provides a worthwhile diagnostic assessment of your child's development in the areas of motor, language, and concepts.
Who is eligible? Children from birth to 5 years of age who reside within the District.
What is the purpose of the screening? To assess children whose parents have concerns about their child's development.
Communication: Receptive and expressive language skills.
Gross Motor: Use of large muscles for sitting, walking, etc.
Fine Motor: Hand and finger movement and coordination.
Problem Solving: Ability to play with toys and solve problems.
Personal-social: Self-help skills and interaction with others.
Social and Emotional Development.
How often do the screenings take place? Screenings are offered year-round.
Whom do I contact for more information? If you have developmental concerns, please speak with your preschool staff. Then, if recommended for a screening, please call: (847) 498-2610, ext. 5130.