Northbrook School District 27

Preschool Screening

District 27 offers pre-school screenings to assess children whose parents have concerns about their child's development and to determine if progress is at an appropriate rate. The screening is not a full and detailed evaluation of your child. It is a tool that provides a worthwhile diagnostic assessment of your child's development in the areas of motor, language, and concepts.

Who is eligible? Children from birth to 5 years of age who reside within the District.

What is the purpose of the screening? To assess children whose parents have concerns about their child's development.

What are the developmental areas screened? 
  1. Communication: Receptive and expressive language skills.
  2. Gross Motor: Use of large muscles for sitting, walking, etc.
  3. Fine Motor: Hand and finger movement and coordination.
  4. Problem Solving: Ability to play with toys and solve problems.
  5. Personal-social: Self-help skills and interaction with others.
  6. Social and Emotional Development.

How often do the screenings take place? Screenings are offered year-round.

Whom do I contact for more information? If you have developmental concerns, please speak with your preschool staff. Then, if recommended for a screening, please call: (847) 498-2610, ext. 5130.

preschool screening information