Northbrook School District 27


Student behavioral expectations are based upon respect and consideration for self and others. Northbrook District 27 utilizes Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). PBIS promotes student success by building positive school culture, providing informative corrective feedback, maximizing academic success, and acknowledging the use of positive social skills.

Each school in the District has documented a matrix of expected behaviors for all settings within each building. These expected behaviors are explicitly taught through a series of lessons addressing examples of appropriate and inappropriate school conduct. The matrices are printed in the annual publication of Rules of Conduct found on the District web site.

Student behavioral data is collected and analyzed so that school personnel can develop and implement evidence-based behavioral interventions to enhance student success in compliance with behavioral expectations.

For more information on PBIS, please visit the Midwest PBIS Network.

  • Wood Oaks School has been recognized as a Platinum Level school by the Midwest PBIS Network.
  • Shabonee School has been recognized as a Platinum Level school by the Midwest PBIS Network.
  • Hickory Point School has been recognized as a Silver Level school by the Midwest PBIS Network.