Northbrook School District 27

Multilingual Learner

Program Information

Transitional Program of Instruction:

Northbrook School District 27 provides services for students who are Multilingual Learners, MLs. District 27 has typically enrolled 15 - 50 MLs per school building with diverse first language backgrounds. Therefore, the District provides a Transitional Program of Instruction (TPI). The Goal of TPI is to provide academic support for ML students to successfully engage in the District core curriculum while honoring each student's first language and cultural background.

Identification Process:

As part of the registration process, the State of Illinois requires a Home Language Survey to be completed by the parents. In District 27, the home language survey is completed during registration. If a home language other than English is reported, the student will be screened by the Multilingual Learner teacher. 

Kindergarten students are screened for English speaking and listening. First through eighth grade students are screened for reading and writing in addition to speaking and listening.

If a student is eligible for Multilingual Learner services, the Multilingual Learner teacher will notify the parents.

Service Minutes:

Composite Score Recommended Minutes
4.8 and above No direct service recommended
3.5 to 4.7 30 to 90 minutes per week
2.5 to 3.4 90 to 150 minutes per week
1 to 2.4 150 plus minutes per week


Service Delivery:

Services within TPI are determined by student proficiency in English and ability to access the core curriculum. The following instructional models are used:

  • Individual or small group pull out sessions for work on English reading, writing, speaking and listening.
  • The Multilingual Learner teacher may also provide push-in support. That is, the teacher will work with the Multilingual Learner student and/or classroom teacher within the general education classroom setting to provide instructional support.
  • Students in grade 6-8 may have an Multilingual Learner class that meets daily. Instruction is determined by student needs.

Annual Assessment:

In compliance with State law, all Multilingual Learner students are administered an annual assessment, ACCESS, until they achieve a 4.8 composite score. Once achieved, the State will discontinue the requirement of ACCESS testing for that child. However, District 27 staff will continue to monitor student progress for grade level success. If needed, further support will be provided for excelling in an environment of high expectations.

For more information, please contact:

Heather Miehl
Director of Special Education and Multilingual Learners
(847) 498-2610