Northbrook School District 27

Medication Guidelines

Northbrook School District 27 nurses or trained school personnel will administer both over-the-counter and prescription medications to students at the schools only upon receipt of a completed Medication Administration Consent Form. The following guidelines for administering any medications to students have been established:

  1. The Medication Administration Form needs to be completed by the prescribing licensed healthcare provider (Part I). The form cannot be accepted without the treating healthcare provider’s signature, date, address, and phone number. A parent/guardian's signature, as well as a date and contact information, must be completed (Part II).
  2. Medication must be brought to the school in a container labeled by the pharmacy or the prescribing healthcare provider. 
  3. Medications such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, cough drops, homeopathic medications, or other medications not prescribed by the physician will not be permitted or administered at the school.
  4. School District 27 maintains the right to reject the administration of any medication and shall under no circumstances assume liability for any act of omission in carrying out the instruction of any physician.

Students who have medication in their possession, whether or not prescribed by a physician, and who have not notified their building principal or nurse are subject to discipline.

Asthma inhalers and epinephrine autoinjectors are the exception; however, a completed Medication Administration Consent Form must be on file with the health office, just as with any other form of medication.

Acceptance of Medication in the Health Office

In order to ensure the safe delivery of medication to District 27 health offices, the following procedures have been developed:

All medication, including prescription and over-the-counter, shall be labeled in accordance with the Illinois Department of Human Services and the Illinois State Board of Education’s Recommended Guidelines for Medication Administration in Schools.

A completed Medication Administration/Self Administration Consent Form must be on file in the health office prior to the school’s acceptance of any medication.

No more than 20 doses of any controlled substance will be stored in the health office at any time.

All parent(s)/guardian(s), or individual(s) designated by the parent(s) are strongly encouraged to bring all medication(s), both prescription and over-the-counter, their student(s) may require during school hours directly to the school health office.

In the event that a parent(s)/guardian(s), or individual(s) designated by the parent(s), is unable to bring their student(s) medication to the school health office, the medication may be sent to school with a student as long as the following requirements are met:

For Over-the-Counter Medication:

  1. A parent(s)/guardian(s) will contact the school nurse via email or phone call indicating that a student's medication(s) is being sent to the school.
  2. The name of the medication and the quantity of medication being sent to the school will be communicated by the parent(s)/guardian(s).
  3. Once the medication(s) is received in the health office, the school nurse will contact the parent(s)/guardian(s) to verify that the correct medication and correct quantity has been received in the health office.
  4. If medication is sent to school with a student without prior notification from the parent(s)/guardian(s), the school nurse will contact the parent(s)/guardian(s) for verification.  

For Controlled Substances:

  1. If a controlled substance is being delivered to the school by a parent(s)/guardian(s), a count will be performed by either the school nurse or building administrator(s) in the presence of the parent(s)/guardian(s). Both parties will sign the Controlled Substance Delivery/Acceptance Form.
  2. If a controlled substance is being sent to the school with a student, the parent will contact the school nurse via email indicating the name of the medication and the quantity of pills being sent.  The email will be recorded on the Controlled Substance Delivery/Acceptance Form.
  3. Once the medication is received in the health office, the school nurse and building administrator(s) will verify that the correct quantity of pills was received in the health office.
  4. Once the verification process is completed, the school nurse will contact the parent(s)/guardian(s) to report the receipt of the correct medication and the correct quantity.
  5. For any discrepancies regarding the correct quantity of medication, the building administrator(s) and parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified immediately.

All medication, including prescribed and non-prescription medications, must be brought to the school in a container, labeled appropriately by the pharmacist or licensed prescriber.

  1. Prescription medication will display:
    1. The student’s name
    2. The prescription number
    3. The medication and dosage
    4. Administration route or other directions
    5. Date and refill
    6. Licensed prescriber’s name
    7. Pharmacy name, address, and phone number
    8. Name or initials of pharmacist
  2. Non-prescription Medication will:
    1. Be brought to the school in the manufacturer’s original label
    2. Have all ingredients listed
    3. Have the student’s name affixed to the container by a parent or guardian