Influenza Information
Flu Season Already?
As you know the flu can be spread easily from person to person. We are taking steps to minimize the spread of flu by keeping classrooms clean, isolating and sending sick student’s home and of course encouraging lots of hand washing.
Here are a few things you can do to help prevent the spread of flu. Please remind your children of the following:
1. Cover mouth and nose when sneezing. If they can, they should use a tissue and then throw it away, washing their hands afterwards. If they don’t have a tissue handy, they should use their inner elbow or upper sleeve rather than their hands. This practice prevents the spread of germs via their hands.
2. Keep hands away from eyes, nose, and mouth.
3. Wash hands often with soap and warm water for at least 15-20 seconds. Use hand sanitizer if soap and water is not available.
4. Don’t share cups, water bottles, or eating utensils.
5. Children should stay home when they are sick- fever (100 degrees or greater). If they have had a recent fever, they should not return to school until they have been fever free for 24 hours (without the help from Tylenol or Ibuprofen). This means that if they are sent home with an elevated temperature, they are asked to stay home on the following day. This is to allow time to ensure that their elevated temperature does not return (ensures the 24 hour free of fever policy). They should also stay home (with or without fever) if they have symptoms which are obvious of illness, i.e. recent vomiting, cough, fatigue, congestion.
Sometimes it is difficult to decide in the morning whether a child is well enough to attend school. Call the school nurse if you are in doubt. You can also ask yourself, “Can my child go through the day with minimal disruption to himself and others?” This may help you make a decision on one of those mornings when it is difficult to decide. By staying home when they are sick, children are helping themselves recuperate and are helping their peers stay healthy. By working together, I believe we can reduce the spread of illness in District 27.