Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I decide if I should keep my child home from school, and how do I know when it is okay to send them back to school?
- Read these guidelines on when to send your child to school and when to keep them home.
2. Can my child receive medication, including both prescribed and over-the-counter medication (e.g.Tylenol, Ibuprofen, cough drops, homeopathic medications, etc.) if they need it during the school day?
All medication, both prescription and non-prescription, needs a completed Medication Authorization Consent Form signed by a parent/guardian and the treating prescribing healthcare provider in order to be given at school. Verbal orders from a licensed healthcare provider cannot be accepted. Please refer to NB27 Medication Guidelines.
3. My child started taking a new medication at home but they will not need it at school. Does the nurse need to know that?
It is very important that the health office be notified of any medication a student receives at home in case of a medical emergency. Students who have asthma and desire to carry their inhaler in school for self-administration need to follow several steps:
Have their (Asthma Action Plan) on file in the health office.
Have a Pharmacy prescription label attached to the inhaler.
Make sure the date on the inhaler is not expired.
Students who have severe allergies and desire to carry their epinephrine auto injector in school for self-administration need to follow several steps:
Have their (Emergency Action Plan) on file in the health office.
Have a Pharmacy prescription label attached to the auto injector.
Make sure the date on the epinephrine auto injector is not expired.
4. What is the procedure if my child needs to be excused from recess and gym?
A parent or guardian may write a note stating the reason for the student to be absent from PE or stay in for recess for up to 3 days. After 3 days, a written note from the student’s treating healthcare provider stating the reason a student cannot participate in either PE and/or recess will be required as well as the date your child can resume PE and recess.
If your child requires the use of a walking cast, crutches, a wheelchair at school, or use of an elevator, a letter from their healthcare provider is required.