Northbrook School District 27

Health Office

Department Staff

Melanie Zimmerman
District Nurse/Hickory Point Nurse
(847) 498-3830, ext. 3303
Email Mrs. Zimmerman

Please email health forms to

Kate Slodowy
Shabonee Nurse
(847) 498-4970, ext. 4489
Email Ms. Slodowy

Please email health forms to

Jasmine Weeks
Wood Oaks Nurse
(847) 272-1900, ext. 5536
Email Ms. Weeks

Please email health forms to

Frequently Asked Questions

My Child has been ill. When can they return to school?

What is the procedure if my child needs to be excused from recess and gym?

Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page to find the answers to these questions and other FAQs.

Incoming Letters

Incoming kindergarten students health letter

Incoming sixth grade students health letter

School Physical Reminder

The school code of Illinois requires that each student entering school for the first time (kindergarten) and students entering sixth grade along with transfer students must submit evidence of a physical examination done by a licensed physician, advanced practice nurse or examining physician assistant and a complete record of immunizations. 

The physical examination must be dated within one (1) year prior to the first day of school and must be completed on the State of Illinois Department of Human Services Certificate of Child Health Examination. Medical and Religious objections to any physical examination or immunization must be submitted in writing and must contain required information. The physical form and record of immunizations are due at the time of registration or prior to starting school. 

Students enrolling at the beginning of the school year who do not meet these requirements will be excluded from school attendance per district policy.

Illinois state law requires that the Health History section be completed, signed and dated by the parent/guardian before a school can accept the health exam.

screenshot of health exam.

State Mandated Health Requirements

State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Exam must be dated on or after August 22, 2023 for the 2024-2025 school year.

State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Exam must be dated on or after August 21, 2024 for the 2025-2026 school year.
