Reading / L.A.
4th and 5th ELA
At Shabonee School, students are assigned two core teachers; one teacher is responsible for a half-day of English Language Arts and the other teacher for a half-day of Math, Science, and Social Studies. All 4th and 5th-grade ELP students spend half of their day with the ELP teacher for English Language Arts instruction. The students read, discuss, and analyze a variety of novels as related to the Common Core State Standards. They are engaged in writing activities; they study and learn vocabulary and grammar. In addition, students are engaged in higher-level thinking skill activities and research projects related to their reading.
6th, 7th, and 8th ELA and Social Studies
The ELP program in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades is a humanities-based program integrating the reading, language arts, and social studies classes. The students meet with the gifted education teacher(s) daily for these three class periods. The students read and discuss novels using the Common Core State Standards as related to the themes developed at each grade level. The students read outstanding literature and engage in small group as well as whole-class discussions. In addition, students deepen their critical thinking and writing skills as related to the novels and the thematic units.