Northbrook School District 27

Section 8:110

Northbrook School District 27 Header
March 2020

Community Relations

Public Suggestions and Concerns

The School Board is interested in receiving suggestions and concerns from members of the community. Any individual may make a suggestion or express a concern at any District or School office. Community members who e-mail the District or any District employee or board member are expected to abide by the standards in Board policy 6:235, Access to Electronic Networks, and should, to the extent possible, limit their communications to relevant individuals. All suggestions and/or concerns will be referred to the appropriate level staff member or District administrator who is most able to respond in a timely manner. Each concern or suggestion shall be considered on its merit.

An individual who is not satisfied may file a grievance under Board policy 2:260, Uniform Grievance Procedure. The Board encourages, but does not require, individuals to follow the channels of authority prior to filing a grievance. Neither this policy nor the Uniform Grievance Procedure create an independent right to a hearing before the Board.

LEGAL REFERENCE 115 ILCS 5/14(c-5), Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act.
  • Section 2:140 (Communications To and From the Board)
  • Section 2:230 (Public Participation at School Board Meetings and Petitions to the Board)
  • Section 2:260 (Uniform Grievance Procedure)
  • Section 3:30 (Chain of Command)
  • Section 6:260 (Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials and Programs)
  • Section 8:10 (Connection with the Community)
REVIEW HISTORY 1995, 2004, 2017, January 2021