Northbrook School District 27

Section 8:10

Northbrook School District 27 Header
October 2024

Community Relations

Connection with the Community

Public Relations

The Board President is the official spokesperson for the School Board. The Superintendent is the District’s chief spokesperson. The Superintendent or designee shall plan and implement a District public relations program that keeps the citizens of the District informed of policies, programs, issues, and the District’s Strategic Plan, which include opportunities for public input. The public relations program should include:

  1. Regular news releases concerning District programs, policies, activities, and special event management for distribution by, for example, posting on the District website, using social media platforms, or sending to the news media.
  2. News conferences, interviews, and official Board or District statements, as requested or needed. The Board President and Superintendent will coordinate their respective media relations efforts. Individuals may speak for the District only with prior approval from the Superintendent.
  3. Publications having a high quality of editorial content and effective format. All publications shall identify the District, school, department, or classroom and shall include the name of the Superintendent, the Building Principal, and/or the author and the publication date.
  4. Other efforts that highlight the District’s programs and activities.

Effective community engagement is essential to create trust and support among the community, Board, Superintendent, and District staff.

CROSS REFERENCE Section 2:110 (Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers)
REVIEW HISTORY 1995, 2004, 2017, 2021, December 2024