Northbrook School District 27

Section 7:325

Northbrook School District 27 Header
March 2020


Student Fundraising Activities

No individual or organization is allowed to ask students to participate in fundraising activities while the students are on school grounds during school hours or during any school activity. Exceptions are:

  1. School-sponsored student organizations;
  2. Northbrook School District 27 Parent Teacher Association; and
  3. A uniquely created organization approved by the Superintendent.

The Superintendent or designee shall manage student fundraising activities in alignment with the following directives:

  1. Fundraising efforts shall not conflict with instructional activities or programs.
  2. Participation in fundraising efforts must be voluntary.
  3. Student safety must be paramount.
  4. For school-sponsored student organizations, a school staff member must supervise the fundraising activities and the student activity funds treasurer must safeguard the financial accounts.
  5. The fundraising efforts must be to support the organization’s purposes and/or activities, the general welfare, a charitable cause, or the educational experiences of students generally.
  6. The funds shall be used to the maximum extent possible for the designated purpose.
  • 105 ILCS 5/10-20.19(3).
  • 23 Illinois Admin. Code Part 305, School Food Service.
  • Section 4:90 (Activity Funds)
  • Section 4:120 (Food Services)
  • Section 8:80 (Gifts to the District)
  • Section8:90 (Parent Organizations and Booster Clubs)
REVIEW HISTORY: 1989, 1995, 2004, 2017, January 2021