Northbrook School District 27

Section 6:280

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October 2023


Grading and Promotion

The Superintendent or designee shall establish a system of grading and reporting academic achievement to students and their parents/guardians. Evaluation and grading shall be based on criteria indicative of growth toward curriculum outcomes. The evaluation system shall reflect the student’s individual progress toward educational outcomes and take into account individual differences. Evaluation shall serve a constructive purpose in helping the student, parent, and teacher evaluate student growth in all areas of performance and behavior.

Evaluation shall foster a cooperative approach between student and teacher to further the student’s growth toward self-direction and self-responsibility. Every teacher shall maintain an evaluation record for each student in the teacher’s classroom. Further, it is the responsibility of the teacher to regularly provide feed-back to the students regarding academic progress, performance on assessments, and grades.

Once a final grade has been submitted by a teacher, a School or District administrator cannot change a grade without notifying the teacher. Reasons for changing a student’s final grade include:

  • A miscalculation of scores;
  • A technical error in assigning a particular grade or score; or
  • A grade that was generated outside of the common grading practices of the grade level or curriculum area.

Should a grade change be made, the administrator making the change must sign the changed record.

Parents shall be informed as to the progress of their student through the following methods:

  1. Report cards (three times per year for K-5 and four times per year for 6-8).
  2. Parent/teacher conferences which shall be conducted twice each year.
  3. Additional methods of reporting which may include, but are not limited to, various electronic tools and additional face-to-face conferences as needed.

Promotion and Retention

Students shall not be promoted to the next higher grade level based upon age or any other social reasons not related to the academic performance of the students. Decisions to promote or retain students in any classes shall be based on the following:

  • Successful completion of the curriculum
  • Attendance
  • Performance based on the designated Illinois achievement tests
  • Performance based on nationally normed standardized tests
  • Other testing
  • Other criteria established by the Board
  • Other Illinois or Federal mandated requirements

The Administration will determine the weight to be given to the criteria specified above. The Administration shall determine remedial assistance for a student who is not promoted.

Graduation Exercises

The Board believes that eighth grade promotion exercises are an integral part of the activities surrounding successful completion of the eighth grade. All eligible students are expected to participate in the exercises unless loss of privilege is the result of a disciplinary measure.

LEGAL REFERENCE 105 ILCS 5/2-3.64a-5, 5/10-20.9a, 5/10-21.8, and 5/27-27.
  • Section 6:110 (Programs for Students At Risk of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out of School)
  • Section 6:340 (Student Testing and Assessment Program)
  • Section 7:50 (School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools)
REVIEW HISTORY 2017, 2018, 2021, 2023, February 2024