Northbrook School District 27

Section 6:190

Northbrook School District 27 Header
June 2023


Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities

All approved student organizations activities and athletic teams shall be regarded by the Board as a vital part of the total educational program. In all cases, at least one faculty member shall be assigned to each student organization before the Board will recognize such an organization, and the superintendent shall direct the professional staff to establish and maintain criteria and procedures for students' participation in all approved activities.

The Board encourages students to try out for and to participate in various extracurricular activities that are commensurate with their personal interests, talents and available time. Students may also participate in extracurricular activities that require active involvement concurrently within the same season or extended time period; however, all students and faculty sponsors shall recognize not only that the students' academic progress take precedence over extracurricular activities but also that each activity is required to set schedules for meetings, practices, games and performances, which may cause conflicts with other activities.

In those cases where a student has continual scheduling conflicts or cannot sustain a reasonable commitment to one or more extracurricular activities, the faculty sponsor(s) shall counsel that student, and, if need be, confer with the student's parent or guardian. If the issue remains unresolved, the District's administration is delegated the authority to resolve at its discretion any disputes as to the extent of a student's participation in a chosen activity.

Participation in activity meetings, performances, and athletic events is at the discretion of the teachers, sponsors, or coaches, provided that the selection criteria conform to the District policies. Students shall be denied participation if they fail to comply with the Board's policies and guidelines, including those policies with respect to discipline, academic standing, and classroom attendance on the date of any after-school activity or other event.


The Board believes the primary educational goals of the schools and the needs and interests of their students must be the most important consideration at all times. It shall therefore be a general policy to deny promotional aid, school time, or faculty assistance to student contests involving essay writing, poster-making, or other activities sponsored by organizations outside the school.

Exceptions may be made if, in the judgment of the superintendent, a particular contest involves experiences which are closely aligned to and in support of the instructional work of the schools and which will clearly serve to advance the educational aims of the school. The worthiness of the sponsoring agency's cause or the opportunity for individuals to win prizes, shall not in themselves constitute sufficient reason for exception to the general policy.

Contests or projects, in general, should not interfere with the operation of the regular course of study in classes or a teacher to sacrifice much time from the regularly planned program for students. The participation of teachers and students in any approved contest shall be voluntary.

Interschool Athletic Program

Student participation in the Board’s approved school athletic programs shall be contingent upon the following requirements:

  1. The student must maintain academic standards that reflect a minimum of a C for each academic subject.
  2. Written permission must be given by the parents/guardians for the student’s participation, giving the District full waiver of responsibility of the risks involved in such participation.
  3. Participation in athletic programs has the potential for an injury to a participant from time to time. The District will not assume any responsibilities for student incurred costs other than those imposed under Illinois Law. In particular, the Board assumes no responsibilities for hospitalization or medical costs arising due to an injury suffered by a student while participating in any school activity.
  4. A physical examination of the student must be completed by a physician and an accompanying written statement that assures that the student’s health status allows for active athletic participation shall be submitted to the District prior to such participation.
  5. The student must show evidence of accident insurance coverage either by a policy purchased through the District’s school insurance plan or a parent/guardian statement to the effect that the student is covered under a family insurance plan.
  6. The student must be in class attendance for the full day as defined by the Illinois School Code on the day of each athletic event in which he/she participates.

Full compliance with all the requirements is necessary before a student may engage in a school athletic activity.

The superintendent or designee shall maintain the necessary records to insure student compliance with this policy.

Student Performances

Student performances in the dramatic arts or other related activities shall be an extension of the curriculum and instructional program. Approved student performances are considered to be valuable learning experiences for students and are encouraged. Care is to be exercised to avoid excessive use of class time for rehearsals, and students must be in class attendance on the day of each performance in which he/she participates.

In those cases where a student has continual scheduling conflicts or cannot sustain a reasonable commitment to one or more extracurricular activities, the faculty sponsor shall counsel that student, and, if need be, confer with the student's parent or guardian. If the issue remains unresolved, the District's administration is delegated the authority to resolve at its discretion any disputes as to the extent of a student's participation in a chosen activity.

Student Council

The junior high principal will facilitate a program for student government which shall include the election of representatives from each homeroom and Student Council officers. Annually, the superintendent shall appoint a sponsor who will administer the program in accordance with the rules and regulations approved by the Board.

Intramural Programs

A program of intramural sports may be offered during the regular school year, with efforts made to secure participation by as many students as possible.

105 ILCS 5/10-20.30 and 5/24-24.24-24.
  • Section 4:170 (Safety)
  • Section 7:10 (Equal Educational Opportunities)
  • Section 7:40 (Nonpublic School Students, Including Parochial and Home-Schooled Students)
  • Section 7:240 (Conduct Code for Participants in Extracurricular Activities),
  • Section 7:300 (Extracurricular Athletics)
  • Section 7:330 (Student Use of Buildings - Equal Access)
  • Section 8:20 (Community Use of School Facilities)
REVIEW HISTORY 1989, 1995, 2004, 2017, August 2023