Northbrook School District 27

Section 5:220

Northbrook School District 27 Header
October 2023

Professional Personnel

Substitute Teachers

The Superintendent may employ substitute teachers as necessary to replace teachers who are temporarily absent.

A substitute teacher must hold either a valid teaching or substitute license and may teach in the place of a licensed teacher who is under contract with the Board. There is no limit on the number of days that a substitute teacher may teach in the District during the school year, except as follows:

  1. A substitute teacher holding a substitute license may teach for any one licensed teacher under contract with the District only for a period not to exceed 90 school days in any one school term.
  2. A teacher holding a Professional Educator License or Educator License with Stipulations may teach for any one licensed teacher under contract with the District only for a period not to exceed 120 school days.

The Illinois Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) limits a substitute teacher who is a TRS annuitant to substitute teaching for a period not to exceed 120 paid days or 600 paid hours in each school year through June 30, 2026, but not more than 100 paid days in the same classroom. Beginning July 1, 2026, a substitute teacher who is a TRS annuitant may substitute teach for a period not to exceed 100 paid days or 500 paid hours in any school year, unless the subject area is one where the Regional Superintendent has certified that a personnel shortage exists.

The School Board establishes a daily rate of pay for substitute teachers. Substitute teachers receive only monetary compensation for time worked and no other benefits.

Short-Term Substitute Teachers

A short-term substitute teacher must hold a valid short-term substitute teaching license and have completed the District’s short-term substitute teacher training program. Unless otherwise permitted by law, short-term substitutes may teach no more than five consecutive school days for each licensed teacher who is under contract with the Board.

Emergency Situations

A substitute teacher may teach when no licensed teacher is under contract with the Board if the District has an emergency situation as defined in State law. During an emergency situation, a substitute teacher is limited to 30 calendar days of employment per each vacant position. The Superintendent shall notify the appropriate Intermediate Service Center (ISC) within five business days after the employment of a substitute teacher in an emergency situation. The Board may continue to employ the same substitute teacher in a vacant position for 90 calendar days or until the end of the semester, whichever is greater, if, prior to the end of the then current 30 calendar-day-period, the District makes a written request to the ISC for a 30 calendar-day-extension and the extension is granted by the ISC.

  • 40 ILCS 5/16-118, Illinois Pension Code.
  • 105 ILCS 5/10-20.68, 5/21B-20(2), 5/21B-20(3), and 5/21B-20(4).
  • 23 Illinois Admin. Code §1.790 (Substitute Teacher) and §25.520 (Substitute Teaching License).
CROSS REFERENCE Section 5:30 (Hiring Process and Criteria)
REVIEW HISTORY 1995, 2004, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, February 2024