Northbrook School District 27

Section 5:210

Northbrook School District 27 Header
October 2023

Professional Personnel


Teachers may resign at any time with consent of the School Board. No teacher may resign during the school term in order to accept another teaching position without the consent of the Board. A teacher may resign outside of a school term if the teacher provides written notice to the secretary of the Board, at least 30 calendar days prior to the first student attendance day of the following school year. Teachers who resign with less than 30 days’ notice prior to the first student attendance day of the following school term will be deemed to have resigned during the school term.

LEGAL REFERENCE 105 ILCS 5/24-14. Park Forest Heights School Dist. v. State Teacher Certification Bd., 363 Ill.App.3d 433 (1st Dist. 2006)
ADOPTED February 2017
REVIEW HISTORY 2021, 2022, February 2024