Northbrook School District 27

Section 3:10

Northbrook School District 27 Header
October 2022

General School Administration

Goals and Objectives

The Superintendent directs the administration in order to manage the School District and to facilitate the implementation of a quality educational program in alignment with School Board policy 1:30, School District Philosophy. Specific goals and objectives are to:

  1. Provide educational expertise.
  2. Plan, organize, implement, and evaluate educational programs that will provide for students’ mastery of the Illinois Learning Standards.
  3. Meet or exceed student performance and academic improvement goals established by the Board.
  4. Develop and maintain channels for communication between the school and community.
  5. Develop an administrative procedures manual and handbooks for personnel and students that are in alignment with Board policy.
  6. Manage the District’s fiscal and business activities to ensure financial health, cost-effectiveness, and protection of the District’s assets.
  7. Provide for the proper use, reasonable care, and appropriate maintenance of the District’s real and personal property, including buildings, equipment, and supplies.
LEGAL REFERENCE 105 ILCS 5/10-16.7, 5/10-21.4, and 5/10-21.4a.
  • Section 1:30 (School District Philosophy)
  • Section 2:20 (Powers and Duties of the School Board; Indemnification)
  • Section 2:130 (Board Superintendent Relationship)
  • Section 3:40 (Superintendent)
  • Section 3:50 (Administrative Personnel Other Than the Superintendent)
  • Section 3:60 (Administrative Responsibility of the Building Principal)
  • Section 6:10 (Educational Philosophy and Objectives)
ADOPTED May 2016
REVIEW HISTORY December 2019, January 2023