Section 2:30
School Board
School District Elections
School District elections are non-partisan, governed by the general election laws of the State, and include the election of School Board members, various public policy propositions, and advisory questions. Board members are elected at the consolidated election held on the first Tuesday in April in odd-numbered years. If, however, that date conflicts with the celebration of Passover, the consolidated election is postponed to the first Tuesday following the last day of Passover. The canvass of votes is conducted by the election authority within 21 days after the election.
The Board, by proper resolution, may cause to be placed on the ballot: (a) public policy referendum according to Article 28 of the Election Code, or (b) advisory questions of public policy according to Section 9-1.5 of the School Code.
The Board Secretary serves as the local election official. He or she receives petitions for the submission of a public question to referenda and forwards them to the proper election officer and otherwise provides information to the community concerning District elections.
REVIEW HISTORY | 1995, 2002, 2016, 2021, January 2023 |