Northbrook School District 27

Section 2:125 Exhibit 1

Northbrook School District 27 Header
October 2016

School Board

Exhibit - Resolution to Regulate Expense Reimbursements

WHEREAS, Section 10-20 of the School Code (105 ILCS 5/10-20) grants school boards other powers that are not inconsistent with their duties;

WHEREAS, Section 10 of the Local Government Travel Expense Control Act (50 ILCS 150/, added by P.A. 99-604, eff. 1-1-17) provides that the School Board shall by resolution regulate the reimbursement of all travel, meal, and lodging expenses of officers and employees, including, but not limited to: (1) the types of official business for which travel, meal, and lodging expenses are allowed; (2) maximum allowable reimbursement for travel, meal, and lodging expenses; and (3) a standardized form for submission of travel, meal, and lodging expenses supported with minimum documentation;

WHEREAS, the Board regulates the types of expenses that are allowed in Board Policies 2:125, Board Member Compensation; Expenses and 5:60, Expenses;

WHEREAS, based upon the School District’s budget and other financial considerations, the Superintendent has recommended to the Board a maximum allowable reimbursement amount of $3,000 for Board members and District staff;

WHEREAS, the Board requires submission of appropriate standardized expense forms supported with required written minimum documentation (50 ILCS 150/10 and 20);

WHEREAS, submitted expenses that exceed the Board’s maximum allowable reimbursement amount may be approved by a roll call vote at an open meeting of the Board when an emergency or other extraordinary circumstance exists (50 ILCS 150/10 and 15);

WHEREAS, all Board member expenses must be approved by a roll call vote at an open meeting of the Board (50 ILCS 150/15);

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board hereby:

  1. Defines and sets the types of allowable expenses through Board policy 2:125, Board Member Compensation; Expenses and 5:60, Expenses.
  2. Sets the maximum allowable reimbursement for travel, meal, and lodging expenses to an amount not to exceed $3,000, effective March 23, 2017 until the Resolution is rescinded or replaced by the Board.
  3. Supersedes its previously adopted Resolution to Regulate Expense Reimbursements as of the effective date in paragraph two above.
  4. May approve expenses that exceed the Board’s maximum allowable reimbursement amount by a roll call vote at an open meeting when an emergency or other extraordinary circumstance exists.
  5. Must approve its members’ expenses by a roll call vote at an open meeting.

Attested by: ________________, Board President

Attested by:_________________, Board Secretary