Northbrook School District 27

Section 2:110

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October 2024

School Board

Qualifications, Terms, and Duties of Board Officers

The School Board officers are: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers are elected or appointed by the Board at its organizational meeting.


The Board elects a President from its members for a 2-year term. The duties of the President are to:

  1. Preside at all meetings;
  2. Focus the Board meeting agendas on appropriate content;
  3. Make all Board committee appointments, unless specifically stated otherwise;
  4. Attend and observe any Board committee meeting at his or her discretion;
  5. Represent the Board on other boards or agencies;
  6. Sign official District documents requiring the President’s signature, including Board minutes and Certificate of Tax Levy;
  7. Call special meetings of the Board;
  8. Serve as the head of the public body for purposes of the Open Meetings Act (OMA) and Freedom of Information Act;
  9. Ensure that a quorum of the Board is physically present at all Board meetings; except as otherwise provided by the OMA;
  10. Administer the oath of office to new Board members;
  11. Serve as the Board’s official spokesperson to the media.
  12. Except when the Board President is the subject of a complaint of sexual harassment, a witness, or otherwise conflicted, appoint a qualified outside investigator to conduct an independent review of allegations of sexual harassment made against a Board member by another Board member or elected official; and
  13. Ensure that all fingerprint-based criminal history records information checks, screenings, and sexual misconduct related employment history reviews (EHRs) required by State law and policy 5:30, Hiring Process and Criteria, are completed for the Superintendent.

The President is permitted to participate in all Board meetings in a manner equal to all other Board members, including the ability to make and second motions.

The Vice President fills a vacancy in the Presidency.

Vice President

The Board elects a Vice President from its members for a 2-year term. The Vice President performs the duties of the President if:

  1. The office of President is vacant;
  2. The President is absent; or
  3. The President is unable to perform the office’s duties.

A vacancy in the Vice Presidency is filled by a special Board election.


The Board elects a Secretary for a 2-year term. The secretary may be, but is not required to be, a Board member. The Secretary may receive reasonable compensation as determined by the Board before appointment. However, if the secretary is a Board member, the compensation shall not exceed $500 per year, as fixed by the Board at least 180 days before the beginning of the term. The duties of the Secretary are to:

  1. Keep minutes for all Board meetings and keep the verbatim record for all closed Board meetings;
  2. Mail meeting notification and agenda to news media who have officially requested copies;
  3. Keep records of the Board’s official acts, and sign them, along with the President, before submitting them to the Treasurer at such times as the Treasurer may require;
  4. Report to the Treasurer on or before July 7, annually, such information as the Treasurer is required to include in the Treasurer’s report to the Regional Superintendent;
  5. Act as the local election authority for the District;
  6. Arrange public inspection of the budget before adoption;
  7. Publish required notices;
  8. Sign official District documents requiring the Secretary’s signature; and
  9. Maintain Board policy and such other official documents as directed by the Board.

The Secretary may delegate some or all of these duties, except when State law prohibits the delegation. The Board appoints a secretary pro tempore, who may or may not be a Board member, if the Secretary is absent from any meeting or refuses to perform the duties of the office. A permanent vacancy in the office of Secretary is filled by special Board election.

Recording Secretary

The Board may appoint a Recording Secretary who is a staff member. The Recording Secretary shall:

  1. Assist the Secretary by taking the minutes for all open Board meetings;
  2. Assemble Board meeting material and provide it, along with prior meeting minutes, to Board members before the next meeting; and
  3. Perform the Secretary's duties, as assigned, except when State law prohibits the delegations.

In addition, the Recording Secretary or Superintendent receives notification from Board members who desire to attend a Board meeting by video or audio means.


Qualifications, appointment, and duties of the Treasurer for the School District shall be as provided in the School Code.

  • 105 ILCS 5/8-1, 5/8-2, 5/8-3, 5/8-6, 5/8-16, 5/8-17, 5/10-1, 5/10-5, 5/10-7, 5/10-8, 5/10-13, 5/10-13.1, 5/10-14, 5/10-16.5, 5/10-21.9, 5/17-1, 5/21B-85, and 5/22-94.
  • 5 ILCS 120/7, Open Meetings Act.
  • 5 ILCS 420/4A-106, Illinois Governmental Ethics Act.
  • Section 2:80 (Board Member Oath and Conduct)
  • Section 2:105 (Ethics and Gift Ban)
  • Section 2:150 (Committees)
  • Section 2:210 (Organizational School Board Meeting)
  • Section 2:220 (School Board Meeting Procedure)
  • Section 5:30 (Hiring Process and Criteria
REVIEW HISTORY 1995, 2002, 2016, 2019, 2022, 2023, February 2024, December 2024