Board Briefs

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Board Briefs: September 5, 2024

Public Hearing Held on Tentative 2024-25 Budget

The Board of Education held a public hearing on the tentative budget for the 2024-25 school year during its regular meeting on September 5. The total budget is set at $34.5 million, which is a 4.4% increase over the FY24 budget. The current budget allocates $300,000 for contingencies. Superintendent Dr. John Deiter reported to the Board that the District is in good financial standing with a 44% fund balance reserve. However, funding options will continue to be reviewed and discussed for future capital improvement projects, including the remaining health-life safety work at Shabonee and Wood Oaks. This work includes roof, mechanical, and electrical upgrades at Shabonee and electrical upgrades at Wood Oaks. A copy of the tentative budget is available for inspection on the District website and at the District office, 1250 Sanders Road, through September 19. The Board is set to adopt the budget on September 19.

Report on Opening Institute Days

Dr. Katharine Olson, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, provided the Board with a report on the district-wide Opening Institute Days, which took place from August 19-21. She explained that these days offered an opportunity to welcome new staff and engage in various activities, including student articulations, technology training, professional learning, department and team collaboration, student tours, and more. Dr. Olson also expressed her gratitude to the Board and the PTA for their continued support of staff professional development.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Update

Dr. Deiter updated the Board on the District’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Action Plans. Goal areas include promoting cultural proficiency and creating and sustaining an inclusive school community where students, staff, and families feel seen and heard and have a sense of belonging. Dr. Deiter said the District’s staff committee continues to provide customized professional development at each school, including providing training related to specific populations and sub-groups within the District. Staff will participate in a session with the Jewish United Fund at the end of this month. Additionally, a parent committee will reconvene this school year, and the District will continue to recognize Heritage and Awareness Months, with September 15 marking the beginning of National Hispanic Heritage Month. School newsletters next week will include information about an upcoming student presentation centered on unity, inclusion, and kindness.