Board Briefs

Board Briefs: November 21, 2024

Wood Oaks technology students present class projects

Several Wood Oaks applied technology students visited the Board of Education meeting on November 21. They showed off projects they have worked on this year, including identity posters, 3D printing creations, website portfolios, and coding projects. Each project was related to their personal interests. 
applied technology students

Wood Oaks Graduation Set for May 29, 2025

The Board announced that the Wood Oaks graduation ceremony will be held at 6 p.m. on Thursday, May 29, 2025, at Glenbrook North High School. 

Report on November 4 Professional Development Day 

Dr. Katharine Olson, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, presented a report to the Board on the District’s professional development day held on November 4. The day was organized into three two-hour blocks and featured 50 unique learning sessions across the District, Dr. Olson shared. All certified staff participated in a cornerstone session on Domain 2 of the Danielson Framework for Teaching, which focused on fostering a positive learning environment through cultural competence, developmental appropriateness, and student agency. Additional sessions addressed topics such as the social studies curriculum revision, math and reading instructional and assessment practices, primary reading curriculum development, and department/grade level-specific goals. These sessions align with the District’s Strategic Plan, ensuring professional learning directly supports key educational priorities. Dr. Olson expressed gratitude to the Board and the PTA for their continued support of staff professional development days.

Update on DEI initiatives

Dr. Deiter updated the Board on the District’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Action Plans. Goal areas include promoting cultural proficiency and creating and sustaining an inclusive school community where students, staff, and families feel seen and heard and have a sense of belonging. Dr. Deiter noted the District is in its second year of a more focused approach to recognizing Heritage and Awareness Months within all three schools. The District’s staff committee continues to provide customized professional development at each school to learn more about the culture and history of the sub-groups within the District. The PTA is also organizing a “Love Around the World” cultural fair with the theme “Love Around the World,” scheduled from 5-7 p.m. on Friday, February 7 at Shabonee School.

Approval of Tentative Tax Levy

The Board approved the 2024 Tentative Tax Levy request of 4.5% during its meeting. There is a Public Hearing set for December 5. Final Tax Levy approval is set for December 19. Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations, Dr. Kimberly Rio, said it is important that the District capture all new property beyond the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law (tax cap) of 3.4% to allocate additional funding toward maintaining programs and services and funding future capital improvement needs for the school buildings. The annual levy request process is part of a conservative approach to financial planning that allows the District to maintain excellence while seeking to use taxpayer dollars responsibly.