About the School Board
- Meet the School Board
- Board Training
- What is a School Board?
- How does the Board operate?
- How do I run for the Board?
- How do I participate in Board meetings as a community member?
Meet the School Board

Melissa Copeland
- Finance
- Negotiations

Matthew Basinger
- Policy
- Support Services

Opi Akuffo

Dr. Gali Oren-Amit

Martha Carlos
Term: 2023-2027
- Curriculum
- Policy
- Support Services

Daniel Terrien
Term: 2021-2025
- Facilities
- Finance
Board Training
Each Illinois school board member who is elected or appointed to fill a vacancy of at least one year’s duration must receive professional development leadership training (PDLT) and Open Meetings Act (OMA) training. Mandatory training is also required upon Performance Evaluation Reform Act (PERA) implementation in each school district. For additional information, see Board policy 2:120, Board Member Development. The following table contains mandatory and non-mandatory training and development activities that were completed by each Board member.
Name | Development and Training Activity and Provider | Date Completed |
Melissa Copeland
Matthew Basinger
Vice President
Opi Akuffo |
Gali Oren-Amit |
Martha Carlos |
Daniel Terrien |
Jack Waddle |
What is a School Board?
The District 27 Board of Education is made up of seven elected representatives who live within District boundaries. Members serve four-year terms.
The Illinois Constitution grants school boards latitude in governing their school districts, subject to State laws and regulations. The Board is required to adopt and enforce all policies necessary for the management and governance of the public schools of the District.
Through its written policies, the Board directs and empowers the superintendent to function as the chief executive officer in managing day-to-day district operations. The Board studies the needs of students and the community and bases its decisions on those needs. The superintendent is evaluated on an annual basis to determine whether the District's goals and expectations are being met.
How does the Board operate?
Effective Board members work as a team to engage in conversations and arrive at a group consensus. They have a desire to serve children and the community, and a strong belief in the values of public schools and educational success. A school board can only take action by a majority vote in a public meeting. During these meetings, the Board transacts the legal business of the District. Board members are required to spend time preparing for meetings and becoming informed.
How do I run for the Board?
Interested candidates should file with the Cook County Clerk’s Office. The Illinois Association of School Boards offers additional information about School Board Elections and how to run. Northbrook also has its own non-partisan, volunteer organization that recruits, interviews, and endorses candidates for election to municipal office. This is called the Northbrook Caucus.
How do I participate in Board meetings as a community member?
District 27 actively seeks a community voice in its operation.
Participate during the Public Comment sessions of regularly held Board of Education and Committee meetings.
Attend public hearings for specific issues, such as the budget, tax levy, school programs, and more. During the public hearing, Board members focus on listening to the views of our community members and then take this information into consideration as they complete their work and develop a direction to take.
Board meetings are not an opportunity for two-way dialogue. Should a community member want to request a conversation, please contact our District Administration at (847) 498-2610 or Board of Education.